AFORCE is a research and development network. It has been created in 2008 as a response to french forest managers needs that have strongly expressed a lack of clear and precise recommendations to anticipate climate change. It is supported by the ministry for Agriculture and by an interprofessionnal association.
The main target of AFORCE is to provide forests managers with practical tools and guides, to help them to make the best management choices. It also aims to create a common place favourable to exchanges.
Such an organization permit to coordinate initiatives that contribute to gather and test available scientific knowledge. For the time being 15 forest institutions belonging to research, development, forest management and educational sectors are involved.
Recently, 3 new topics have been defined to structure the network activity, coordinate the actions and centralize the information:
- Adaptation strategies, technical innovations and new silvicultural options
- Risks and economic evaluation of management choices
- Choice of species and provenances
Currently, the network manages 3 workgroups. They have to produce recommendations and tools on the following topics:
- Sites diagnosis and species choice,
- Water management in the existing stands forestry,
- Creation and renewal of the forest stands.