GUIDE CEDRE, technical forestry actors, climate change, cedar, Atlas, silviculture, autoecology
Atlas Cedar and climate change in France: assessment and recommendations.
COURBET F. & al., 2014. Atlas Cedar and climate change in France: assessment and recommendations. RMT AFORCE. 30 pages.
The GUIDE CEDRE project consisted in analyzing annual data on growth and symptoms (mortality, resin flow) related to drought from two experimental silvicultural systems in the Mediterranean region measured over the last 20 years. It specifies the influence of highly contrasted and perfectly controlled silvicultural itineraries (thinning and pruning) on the capacity of stands to overcome significant water stress. This project aims to take advantage of the experience acquired in the Mediterranean region, to draw lessons from installation trials in northern France and to analyze recent data from experimental silviculture systems in order to advise practitioners on the installation and management of cedar stands.
The GUIDE CEDRE project consisted in analyzing annual data on growth and symptoms (mortality, resin flow) related to drought from two experimental silvicultural systems in the Mediterranean region measured over the last 20 years. It specifies the influence of highly contrasted and perfectly controlled silvicultural itineraries (thinning and pruning) on the capacity of stands to overcome significant water stress. This project aims to take advantage of the experience acquired in the Mediterranean region, to draw lessons from installation trials in northern France and to analyze recent data from experimental silviculture systems in order to advise practitioners on the installation and management of cedar stands.